TAKE CARE: The Art, Science and Bioethics of Motherhood

The TAKE CARE Exhibition has found a home on the web:


Please view the exhibition essay by Veronica Kavass, New York Based Writer-Curator, in the Exhibition Brochure.  You may also view the included artists and their websites:

Annette Gates - Kristina Arnold - Adrienne Outlaw - Sher Fick - Lindsay Obermeyer - Monica Bock - Sadie Rubin - Jeanette May - Libby Rowe

Many thanks to Adrienne Outlaw for organizing the critical essay, brochure and website!!!

I'm really looking forward to exhibiting with such a fine group of strong female artists.


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Rapunzel Installation Finished!

  Rapunzel is finally ensconced in her tower - finished the installation yesterday, May 19th. Whew - I'm exhausted.  Thanks for help from Don (hubby), Denise Johnson, Selena Long, and Aletha Carr. It was great to finally see all the components merged together for the first time - I had never been able to have all three levels together in the studio. Looking forward to seeing it "in action" with the children on Saturday and also seeing the previews of the other installations Wednesday night at the Designer's Party. A friend reminded me this week that after I moved to Nashville in 2003 we had visited Cheekwood and that I was so enamored of the Museums and the Gardens and mentioned at that time that I would love to exhibit there . . . wow!  It really confirms that "Reality is a Dream Enacted." I added the birdhouse, sandtoys, and the mailbox after the fact and my husband built in a balance beam nearby . . . just a few more things to see and do spread out around the footprint of Rapunzel's Tower. Cheers! For Art's Sake, sher
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