We found ourselves here. On this blog. In this world. Connected through a fragile web of - you know what, I don't even know what a web really is. I don't know how they work, technologically speaking. Someone figured out how to harness a binary code through the energy of light, friction, something and it all got mixed together and - poof - we now have the web, blogs, and what have you.
So, we communicate. We tell each other when we pee. What we had for dinner. It is the ultimate waste of energy, really. I mean, come on - do I need to know that you pee? Perhaps if you have had some medical problems and you are sitting on my red couch - that is when I need to know.
So what do I want from my little spot in the 'web' - why do I want to 'lure' you into my world?
Words cause so much pain. They are just little marks, gathered together, and scratched somewhere. But they remain. You can never unspeak a word.
Sorry doesn't cut it. Not in my book.
Words can heal. But sorry is not one of those words. It needs to be more than that.
I want to have fun. I am fun. But ultimately, my goal with my art, with my blog, and anything else is in my life is to grow and assist. To serve others. How can I connect?
Mainly through images, because there is no language barrier there. Yes, images can be misunderstood from my intentions, but I have much better chances of being felt through my work, than through mere words alone.
There are so many bad things in life. They happened. We remember. They are happening now. We will remember them tomorrow. Pain that is unhappened. I don't want to ever remember. I don't want a reason to remember.
Let's decide together to "Imagine" a world where no one intentionally uses words to attack and belittle. It is my wish for the world today.
I make an oath that here, in my little corner of the web, that I will never condone or exhibit words of pain.
You are too precious to me.
I am mourning a sense of lost innocence - for the umpteenth time in my life. I don't want to be the source of pain for anyone . . . we must put out more hope and empathy. Have more patience. Everybody has their own stories of pain. Those that stab with words must carry so much pain, they are just releasing a little of it.
I am prayer walking in my soul tonight . . . all night. Again. Searching for peace.
Read MoreEat Your Words - Museum Installation 2010
oh, speaking of “donating for art” - I am making this constant, never-ending sculpture of crazy-quilted prescription bottles - and I received hundreds (of bottles) from everywhere - you put out a call and the people will deliver!!!
To the right you see the first stage of the prescription bottle installation - I sent our requests and I received envelopes and boxes from the following: Nancy Hayes, Julie Anderson, Lydia Weaver, Lydia Weaver's Whole Water Aerobics class, Dr. Nancy Kelker, Andrienne Outlaw, Alicia Beach, Lloyd and Shirley Curry. I hope I haven't forgotton anyone!
The point being is that we are RE-USING an item prior to its location in landfills, thus clogging up nature for hundreds of years. We are not even melting them and reshaping them - we have found something useful to do with them in their current discarded stated!!!!! Pre-Cycling!!!
This is how the prescription bottle piece turned- COPING SKILLS, 48"h x 53"w x14"d, wood, mirror-floored shelf, crazy quilted attached prescription bottles. Honors the help that myself and others receive from altered mood and anti-anxiety pharmaceutical assistant. I am thankful for the joy I can now have in my life because I am not a raging lunatic anymore!
My next “community” piece is going to be “Eat Your Words” - it will be an acrylic-suspended table, with all clear acrylic dishes/silverware/bowls, etc. and the “food” will be colored paper printed with hurtfully email messages which have been sent and/or received.
This idea came about when I had a dream that I was cooking fried chicken breaded with shredded words (one of my personal icons in my work) . . . so if anybody wants that nasty email from Uncle Fester to be part of the piece, email me a copy of said emails (you can edit names or addresses, but the papers will be shredded/cut) to:
with “Eat Your Words” in the subject line
If you prefer snail mail: Sher Fick, 1023 St. Hubbins Drive (Studio), Spring Hill, TN 37174
Such as: an entry might look like this:
To: sherfickart@gmail.com
From: joejones@jonesy.com (provide real name and address if you want to be listed in the exhibition catalogue - your name won't be with your words submitted, and REMEMBER the worlds will be shredded!
Re: Eat Your Words Installation
"Well, I hope you feel good about yourself now that you made Granny cry on HER birthday. Who do you think you are. What gives you the right to take the attention away from Granny just to say you are pregnant with another brat. You are getting too big for your britches, Girl! You better watch yourself. You gonna steal all Granny's money cause she feel sorry for you. Over my dead body".
I will also give credit to all donators in the exhibition catalogue, so send your name, address, with email along with it, so I can keep you posted and give credit where credit is due!
Feel free to pass this information along - the more the merrier - and this series might take on a life of its own and last as long as the prescription bottle one - i.e. - my whole life! When Adrienne did her last piece (Shelter, see http://www.adrienneoutlaw.com ) we had hundreds of volunteers . . . it is amazing to do community projects.
I believe that with eat piece of paper that is donated, that we can erase those negative words from our minds as they will be ritualistically shredded and then used as a piece to great a fantastic social-interactive event.
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