Starving Artist's Brief Love Affair With Freelance Writing

We all know the money just isn't there when it comes to art collectors in our current economy.  We also know I have been fruitless in my search for gallery representation, even though I have a stellar contemporary art resume and several series of work ready to install - including small collector pieces.  So, what to do????

Over the last few months I was becoming so frustrated with this issue that I decided to try my hand at Freelance Writing.  What a hoot the last 10 days has been . . . yes, I have been writing, but it is for a mere pittance.  I guess I can say that I made more than I spent on art supplies this week, but I'm not really sure that is true!

So, I might be making the same salary the above beauty made on her then hot technology . . . I plan on refining what I work on and, hopefully, increasing my pay as I continue.  I am just not that intrigued by creating resumes and scripts for instructional videos . . . I have been requested for jobs which puts me on a bit higher pay scale, but it is definately not something I can make a living on.  

In the meantime, if any of you know of opportunities that could use my sharp tongue, witty humor or artistic flair, send them my way!

"AM WILLING TO WORK FOR ART SUPPLIES" - that should be my next piece of work - sharpie marked onto a straggly piece of cardboard!






I Just Can't Get With The Program

It has been 8 years since a friend (after having received another mass email story from me) suggested I start my own blog.

Blah . . . I have used Typepad, Wordpress, and now Squarespace, via my own 'website'.  I still don't get it.  I still can't do what I want to do.  How difficult can it be to just add a (NOTE: THERE SHOULD BE A PINTEREST BUTTON HERE!!!)





I'm just really aggravated at this point . . . I feel like I pay, and I pay, and I pay to have professionals do things for me and I still don't get what I want.

How about you?  As an artist, writer, self-employed 'whatever' - do you feel as taken advantage of as I do?